Month: January 2016

Project 365 – Day 259


In school over the last week, Liam’s class has been learning about hibernation. He has been completely obsessed with this idea of animals going to sleep for the winter in a cave, so today we finally broke down and built a blanket fort cave in the living room.

Project 365 – Day 258


I’m so glad that he is finally enjoying the space we created for his toys after the tree came down this weekend. Here, he’s shooting down the tie fighter. I really need to do something different tomorrow though. I feel like I’ve had the same type of photo for the last couple of days. I’ll work on it.

Getting the pewer setup
Love getting a genuine smile

Project 365 – Day 255


We took down all of our Christmas decorations today. I’m a little sad about having to pack everything up, but I’m excited to get this house back to normal and even better than normal to be honest. Liam, however, was very distraught that we took down the Christmas tree. He was so enthusiastic about wanting to take off the ornaments, but then once he realized that the whole tree was coming down, he had a complete meltdown. Poor kiddo. He recovered pretty quickly at least. He’ll just have to wait until November to see it again.

Liam on the chair
Izzy and Liam

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